Monday, November 21, 2011
aku:pelajar:tak boleh malas2.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
mi kari di hari raya adha:)

- panaskan air.masukkan sedikit garam dan minyak.dan biar hingga mendidih.
- kemudian masukkan spaghetti(kt jordan xd mi kuning) sampai lembut.letak dalam penapis.then ketepikan.
- tumis 2biji bwg besar yg telah di kisar
- masukkan 2sudu lada blend(kt sini lada kering pedas,xleh ltk byk2)
- masukkan juga satu sudu besar belacan(ak guna jenama maggi,bwk dr malaysia)
- tumis sampai naik minyak
- sambil2 tu,gaul2 ayam yg telah dipotong dgn saiz yg anda suka dgn rempah kari yg telah di peskan.:P.gaul je sepaket terus dgn aym.
- bila dah naik minyak,masukkan ayam yg digaul dgn rempah kari tersebut.masukkan air.
- nampak mcm msk je aym n da gelegak,masukkan susu or santan.aku guna dua2:P anggar dalam secawan santan,2cawan susu.lbh kurg mcm tu la.
- masukkan gula,garam secukup rasa.
- biarkan menggelegak
- bila da siap boleh dihidangkan bersama,daun saderi,crabstick,tauhu goreng,bawang goreng,telur rebus,carrot yg da dicelur..n ape2 yg sesuai..hehe..siap!! mudahkan?? boleh cuba tau! sgt mudah..hehe
Sunday, November 6, 2011
steamboat tomyam:))

Saturday, November 5, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
exam lg:)

Thursday, October 27, 2011
dan banyak lagi.=)
and semalam aku telah menduduki imtihan awl utk subjek mathematics in business and economics.soalan dia bg ak sgt susah la.xtau la sbb ap.mungkin ak sbb tak xserious kot mse stdy.ala kadar markah dia pun jd la ala kadar.huuu..sedih sbb yg lain mcm tinggi2 je markah.exam first da down.takut nk exam yg lain..huhuhuhuhuhuhu..
Monday, August 8, 2011
i wish u happy birthday..=) :-*
Sunday, July 24, 2011
semoga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat=)=D

Saturday, May 7, 2011
majlis perkahwinan & kesyukuran

Akhir kata, doakanlah semoga semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan dipermudahkanNya. Jzkk
Monday, May 2, 2011
how to cook daging kicap surely??
haha..xpandai pun buat2 pandai.chef wan kata,jangan takut untuk masak..hehe..bila tension,memang seronok cakap pasal makanan.+p xd mood..aaaaa..kita teruskan dgn bahan2.
ikan pari bakar
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
kue teow goreng
ni aku punya resipi :-
bawang merah(blend)
lada hidup(blend)
bawang putih diketuk
cili padi (dipotong)
ayam (potong dadu)/udang/sotong/apa2 je lah..hehe
daun sup/daun bawang
sos tiram
telur(xnk pun xpe)
- panaskan sedikit minyak.
- tumis bawang merah,bawang putih lada yang sudah diblend sehingga naik bau.
- masukkkan cili padi,sos tiram,kicap,n sikit air then kacau
- masukkan ayam or udang ke..kacau la sampai masak
- masukkan telur bagi yang mahu
- masukkan tauge,daun bawang or daun sup
- masukkan kue teow yang da dibasuh yee..jangan tak basuh..!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
:) :( =p :// :/ :'(

kewujudan kita ini sebenarnya mesti menempuh kegagalan. Yang penting
ialah kita tidak menjadi lemah semasa kegagalan itu terjadi dan
kekalkan usaha hingga ke akhir hayat." be continued..=p
Sunday, March 20, 2011
if I could be somebody....
Do you have an idol? When someone asks you if you could be somebody else for a day, who will you choose? My friend has told me she wants to be King Syed Najad who is governing in Iran. I think everyone have their own idol. I have also an idol. An idol is very important in our lives. We will become a fantastic person if we have a fantastic idol to look up to. If I could be somebody else for a day, I want to be Redzuawan bin Ismail or more well-known as Chef Wan. He was born in Singapore in 1958. He is the eldest in a family of seven children. I really like him because he is a hilarious and has a happy appearance. He is not just good at making great food but he also owns a unique persona and is a gregarious person. He loves to entertain people and socialize. His favourite type of food is Asian and Japanese food, followed closely by Thai and Provance Cuisine.
If have a chance to be somebody else for a day, I want to be Chef Wan because he is very intelligent in his studies and making decisions. Not many people know the fact that this Singaporean-born cook was a qualified accountant but due to his deep interest in cooking, he quits his accounting profession. After that, he learned cooking and now acquired an associate degree in Professional Chef Training and Hotel Management from the California Culinary Academy. He also has a Ritz Escoffeir Diploma from the Ritz Hotel in Paris. He became a creative, innovated and professional chef. I am really impressed with him. Even though he knew his decision would disappoint his father back then, he could not hold back his passion and was no longer willing to lie to himself. In our community, he is a living testament of ‘Cherish your passion, follow your heart’. If I were Chef Wan, I would not neglect my profession as an accountant but to do both accounting and a chef at the same time. I want to make my life full with work because I love to work. I hope I can achieve a lot of credentials like him such as in accounting and culinary.
Moreover, our country is very indebted to him because he has made our country’s name proud at international arena, representing Malaysia as food ambassador in many kinds of food fiesta and tourism exhibitions around the world such as Malaysia International Trade Board. He also has appeared in worldwide news and programmes such as CBBC Asia, CNN, Channel News Asia and so on. Besides that, he has successfully made numerous cookery demonstration at many kinds of food fairs such as The World SIAL Food Expo in Paris and The World Anuga Food in Koln, Germany. He received a standing ovation by the participants at the end of his speech. His old style of ‘mak-nenek’ is nagging never fail to captivate people. In short, he is one amazing prominence. If I could be Chef Wan for a day, I would like to send my proposals to big companies. I am confident that they will take me as a part of their companies since I have a lot of experience. They will be astonished with my experiences. Furthermore, contrary with Chef Wan, I will ask the government to give me a medal because I have made Malaysia’s name proud. Moreover, I will buy a television especially for food programmes only.
In addition, Chef Wan has a lot of experience in cooking. It is because after he quit his profession as an accountant, he focused on how to be a chef. Nowadays, he holds many tags and roles as professional chef, Food Ambassador of Malaysia, Resident Chef to the Asian Food Channel, Food Critic and others. He is different from other chef because he is not just a chef. He is well-travelled, an actor, a motivator and a speaker. He has cooked for many famous people which include the Sultan of Brunei. Thus, he got a lot of skills in this profession as a chef. Based on his experiences, if I could be him for a day, I want to open my own restaurant. I will open my restaurants in all cities and teach my chefs to cook with my own skills. Furthermore, I want to establish a charity and an orphanage. I want to be their chef and to cook delicious food for them. It is because I want them always smile and happy. Food makes people happy. No matter how big your problems are, you still have to eat. I believe that problem will seem bigger on an empty stomach. Thus, I have to find out a lot of experience to make everything better.
In conclusion, an idol is very important in our life because he or she can be our inspiration and we will try our best to be like him or her. I think Chef Wan is the best individual example. Food has made him famous, rich and he could travel all over the world. I hope he does not stop his profession and always in spirit as a professional chef. I have a strong desire to be like him. Thus, I must study hard and always be courageous in everything I do. It is to make sure that I can be the second Chef Wan. Where there’s a will there’s a way.
Friday, February 4, 2011
cuti raya cine...hehe
Monday, January 3, 2011
cuti new year!
aku mmg da plan da nk pg umah kakak aku yg second jumaat nk pergi,da amik cop da.skli cuti hr khamis tu..hehe..aku pg khamis la..punya la seronok.sbb k.nor nk dtg kL,pstu nk pg s.alam hari jumaat,,klau aku lmbt hr jumaat tu,,jwbnye xleh ikut la..huu..disebabkan cuti hari khamis tu,,aku pg la hr tu..dapat la aku pg s.alam..xd apepun sbnrnye..duk dlm jakel lme gle..sbb ad sale..mmg wow la!..=p byk gle kain bli..16 psg kot..haha
so hari sabtu tu.xwat ape2,,kuar pkul 11 pg mid..lme gle duk dlm mid..bli mcm2 k.irah byr..hehe..bes2..thx u!heeee pkul 4 ptg br blik..hee.patu kuar lg pg bli mknan mlm..ak beli nasi kerabu..lmenye xmkn..sblm tu pnah xbes lgsg..xrse nasi kerabu.rse nasi ngan lauk kerabu ad sabtu tu best! hee..pnat jln..haha...mlm tu duk kt umah je la..then anta k.nor pg putra..dye nk blim trg la..pstu keesokan hrnye giliran aku pulak balik dq..geram je aku..mse tren pertama smpai aku smgt pg nk msuk..smua pnuh...bukan pnuh,,,tp smua duk dpn pintu..konon jimat mse la tu..dapat kluar awl..ish..geram gle..huu..pstu ak dgn kecewa duk blik kt bangku tu..tgu la tren seterusnye..boring yg amt..nsb baik second tren tu ok tmpt duduk lg.heh...smpai la ak kt dq..geram je..pnt2..nsb baik da ad mkanan mse tu..
ok lg nk next time la..hehe..=)
sos garlic(thoum)
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.. mayo bawang putih/ثوم bawang putih 7biji telur putih 2bhg ½ sdb garam(kite kurg skit lagi) ½ biji lemon 1½ cawan ...

Kami menjemput semua yang mengenali kami untuk hadir ke majlis perkahwinan dan kesyukuran kami. Diharap dapat memberi respond untuk budget m...
alhamdulill ah.... akhirnye hr yg ditunggu tbe jua..first,blik umah...hbs plkn la...hehehe..mmg bes.blik umah,hilang sgle rindu kt mak,kakak...